Unlock a brighter, more confident smile with our professional teeth whitening services! We use the latest technology and advanced techniques to remove stubborn stains and brighten your teeth by several shades. With our personalized approach, we tailor each treatment to your unique needs and goals, ensuring that you achieve the results you want. Our safe, painless, and effective treatments are quick and convenient, so you can achieve a beautiful, white smile in no time. Book your appointment and discover the power of a confident smile!
our professional teeth whitening results
Brighter Smile
- 4 x 15 min sessions - 2 hours (one appointment)
Smile Boost
- 3 x 15 min sessions - 1.5 hours (one appointment)
Bring a Friend
- 3 x 15 min sessions - 2.5 hours (one appointment)
Session Add-on
- 1 x 15 min session
Cancellation Policy
If for any reason you are unable to keep your appointment please cancel or reschedule 24 hours before. Failure to do so will result in a 50% late cancellation fee. No-shows will be automatically charged full amount. A credit card is required to book online.